The five person Clearwater Country Free Library District Board of Trustees oversees the operations of the District Library in Weippe . They are elected to a six-year term, during the May elections. Board meetings are held at alternating cities (Weippe and Orofino). An agenda is posted on the public bulletin board at the library by the Monday prior to the board meeting and on the Board of Trustees page. Meetings are subject to the Open Meeting law. Minutes of board meetings are permanent records and are kept on file at the District library.
The CCFLD Board of Trustees also approves a budget for the Clearwater Memorial Library in Orofino, which provides contractual library services to the citizens of Orofino and surrounding area.
- Don Ebert, Chair, May 2027
- Rosan Monaghan, Treasurer, May 2025
Robert Wilhelm, Robert Meade , Appointed 1/2024 til 5/25, 2 yr remaining on term May 2027
- Marge Carlson, May 2025
Karen Loranger, Michelle George, Appointed til 2/2024 5/25, 3 yr remaining on term May 2028
Interested in serving on the board? Contact the Library Director 208.435.4058
CCFLD Board Meetings
Board meetings are held at alternating locations (between Weippe and Orofino, please contact district clerk for location) on the second Tuesday of each month at 5:00pm. No board meeting is held in December.
For CCFLD Board Agenda or previous Minutes
Requests for Records
Current Designated Records Custodian for Clearwater County Free Library District is Director Terri Summerfield.
Please contact the Library during business hours at 208-435-4058 or email [email protected]
A request for records will be granted or denied within three (3) working days. § IC 74-103
A written request for public records is not required if it can be routinely provided by the District. If a longer time is required to locate and retrieve the requested records, a written request will be required. The designated custodian will determine whether the request can be granted within three (3) working days. If it is determined by employees of the public agency or independent public body corporate and politic that a longer period of time is needed to locate or retrieve the public records, the public agency or independent public body corporate and politic shall so notify in writing the person requesting to examine or copy the records and shall provide the public records to the person no later than ten (10) working days following the person’s request. § IC 74-103.
No fee will be charged for examination of public records.
Electronic records free and sent via email